Easy Wood Tools: We Want You

Easy Wood Tools: We Want You

With their demonstrator program reach expanding, they are looking for more demonstrators to join them as more stores and events are wanting live demos. And that includes you!





  • WHAT IS THE EASY WOOD TOOLS DEMONSTRATOR PROGRAM? This is a program where engaged turners that have experience in turning with carbide tools go and showcase not only our products, but also their skills at local woodturning clubs, events, trade shows, stores, and more.
  • WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? We are looking for people who have a love for turning and want to share their knowledge with others.
  • WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? You will be showcasing your woodturning talents in front of different sized groups while showing your knowledge of not only woodturning, but also knowledge of Easy Wood Tools products.
  • HOW WOULD THIS BENEFIT YOU? This program gives you the opportunity to network within the woodturning/woodworking community, showcase your skills, engage new woodturners that want to get started or improve, enhance your social media presence, and get paid to do what you love and have FUN!


Want to become an Easy Wood Tools Demonstrator and get paid to do what you love and enjoy? Click HERE for more information/application. Please send completed application to customerservice@easywoodtools.com.


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