Separate large wood chips out of your system before they reach your dust collector. One pair of plastic elbow and coupler components serve as infeed and outfeed points when you...
Make dust collection your own! The unique segmented design of the hose allows it to expand, contract and contort to the shape that will work best for your space, giving...
Finally, an affordable dust collection attachment for your Rockler dovetail jig! You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to get dust collection with a dovetail jig. Our revolutionary new...
Clips snugly onto your dust hose to hold the power cord in place, preventing twisting and tangling. An all-too-familiar problem with dust hoses on handheld or portable power tools is...
Easily attaches in seconds. Anchoring blast gates to the wall is a quick way to add function and reduce slop in the shop; and with these handy brackets, it's never...
Easily attach your 2-1/2'' dust hose to your shop vacuum with this swiveling hose adapter. With a 2-1/2'' hose, you can easily connect to standard dust collection ports of the...
Floating Overarm Dust Collection Guard This heavy-duty 4" overarm is designed to provide operator protection while removing table-top dust in both standard and non-through cuts. The transparent blade cover is...
Powerful 2 HP, 220V motor 2 Step activation safety switch with line voltage interruption in case of power failure Ideal for collection of metal chips and abrasive dust produced by...